
Ip option


ip option

Option know everyone hates ads. Option please understand that I am providing premium content for free that takes hundreds of hours of time to research and write. Or go to the Tools menu and select "Adblock Plus Preferences. Then click "Add Filter. Then just click OK. All IP datagrams must include the standard option headerwhich contains key information such as the source and destination address of the datagram, fragmentation control parameters, length information and more.

In addition to these invariable fields, the creators of IPv4 included the ability to add options that provide additional flexibility in how IP handles datagrams. Use of these options is, of course, optional. J However, all devices that handle IP datagrams must be capable of option reading and handling them.

The IP datagram may contain zero, one or more options, which makes the total length of the Options field in the IP header variable. Each of the options can be either a single byte long, or multiple bytes in length, depending on how much information the option needs to convey. When more than one option is included they are just concatenated together and put into the Options field as a whole. Since the IP header must be a multiple of 32 bits, a Padding field is included if the number of option in all options together is not a multiple of 32 bits.

Each IP option has its own subfield format, generally structured option shown in Table and Figure For most options, all three subfields are used: Option TypeOption Length and Option Data. For a option simple options, however, this complex substructure is not needed.

In those cases, the option type itself communicates all the information required, so the Option Type field appears alone, while the Option Length and Option Data subfields are omitted Table Internet Protocol Version 4 IPv4 Option Format Option Length: For variable-length options, indicates the size of the entire option, including all three subfields shown here, in bytes Option Data: For variable-length options, contains data to be sent as part of the option Figure Internet Protocol Version 4 IPv4 Option Format This diagram shows the option field format for an IPv4 option.

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ip option

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